Sermons are posted on a public Facebook page with added subtitles. You may have to click on the speaker symbol for sound. We hope to offer opportunity for reflection on sermons you may have found important and inspirational. Perhaps you...

Trinity on the Hill Episcopal Church
Online Services at 10:30am at
Sermons are posted on a public Facebook page with added subtitles. You may have to click on the speaker symbol for sound. We hope to offer opportunity for reflection on sermons you may have found important and inspirational. Perhaps you...
The Chancel Choir sings at the 10:30 am Eucharist from September to May and on all major church festivals. Singers are welcome to join the Chancel Choir once they enter High School. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 6:45-8:15 pm....
Young family nights are typically held once a month on a Wednesday from 5:30 PM to 7 PM, these gatherings create a warm and inviting atmosphere where everyone is welcome. Sometimes, the meal is prepared by each family bringing a...
Trinity on the Hill is an active and vibrant parish, growing in grace and deepening in our relationship with Jesus Christ.
We believe we will be enriched and strengthened by the gifts of new people who come into our midst. New perspectives, new talents, new stories will serve to make all of us a more faithful church and a more clear reflection of the Kingdom of God, which is rich in diversity of all kinds.
We strive to be a place where people of every generation can find meaningful opportunities for worship, service and formation as disciples. From babies in the nursery, to those enjoying well deserved retirement, everyone has a place here at Trinity on the Hill.
If we can serve you in any way, and if you have any questions about becoming a member here at Trinity on the Hill, call the church office at 505-662-5107.
We hope and pray that you will feel the presence of Christ in your life this week, and look forward to seeing you soon.