At Trinity on the Hill, we love to worÂship God and we invite you to join us either on SunÂday mornÂing or at one of our mid-week serÂvices. The “WorÂship Here†menu above has more detailed inforÂmaÂtion on each serÂvice we offer.
As we worÂship, “we unite ourÂselves with othÂers to acknowlÂedge the holiÂness of God, to hear God’s Word, to offer prayer, and to celÂeÂbrate the Sacraments.â€
In the Eucharist, which is also called Communion, Mass, or the Lord’s Supper, we believe “the benÂeÂfits we receive are the forÂgiveÂness of our sins, the strengthÂenÂing of our union with Christ and one another, and the foreÂtaste of the heavÂenly banÂquet which is our nourÂishÂment in eterÂnal life.â€
Through worÂshipÂping God and meetÂing Christ in the Eucharist, we are given the strength to “to repÂreÂsent Christ and his Church; to bear witÂness to him wherÂever we may be; and, accordÂing to the gifts given us, to carry on Christ’s work of recÂonÂcilÂiÂaÂtion in the world.â€
Whether you are a seaÂsoned ChrisÂtÂian, or a seeker lookÂing to expeÂriÂence God for the first time, you are welÂcome to worÂship with us and feast at the table of the Lord.
*QuoÂtaÂtions are taken from the ‘OutÂline of the Faith’ found in the Book of ComÂmon Prayer of the EpisÂcoÂpal Church.