Saturday, December 7th, 2024
9AM – 2PM
at Trinity on the Hill Episcopal Church
3900 Trinity Drive, Los Alamos, NM. 87544
Parking is available on the Lower and Upper Parking Lots, as well as, across the street near the football field. Signs will be posted to assist you in locating the entrance of the event which will be on the Upper-Level Parking.

The annual TOTH Children’s Christmas Bazaar is a unique thrift store experience designed for kids in kindergarten through 6th grade. Here, children can select surprise gifts for loved ones from a curated collection of gently used items. Gift wrapping is included, ensuring a seamless and festive shopping experience for both children and parents.
While kids shop for up to 7 gifts, parents are welcome to enjoy free refreshments in the designated waiting area – please consider dropping off donated baked goods on Friday, Dec 6 anytime between 12-5PM, see below for more information. If your child needs assistance while shopping, the event has several volunteer elves to help wherever needed.
Please RSVP for this event by choosing a time slot using the Sign-Up Genius link (Sign Up Genius link will be available Nov 2, 2024). If multiple kids plan to shop, be sure to reserve one slot per child. Please keep in mind, only children in Kindergarten through 6th grade are permitted to shop at this event. Also, we would greatly appreciate a $20 cash or check donation for each shopper when you arrive at the event. Your donations will support a non-profit organization in our community.
For those who may need special accommodations or have questions, please call 505-662-5107. We will take your information and have an event coordinator contact you PRIOR to the event.
See bottom of page for the link to RSVP to shop!
Donations Appreciated!
The Children’s Christmas Bazaar welcomes donations throughout the year to get ready for the event in December. You can donate items like toys, books, kitchen items, and accessories; see flier for more detail. Your donation helps make the event special for children. We appreciate any contributions you can give to make the bazaar a success.
Spring Donation Collection is April 1 – June 1, 2024. Items can be dropped off at the terrace located at the Upper Level Parking area outside Kelly Hall.
Fall Donation Collection is August 1 – November 15, 2024. Donation Drop-off Bins are located at:
- SALA sala.losalamos.com
- Family Strengths Network lafsn.org
- Little Studio on the Mesa www.littlestudioonthemesa.com
- Trinity on the Hill Church on the Upper Level terrace outside Kelly Hall.
**Trinity on the Hill will accept donations until Nov 30, 2024. All other bins are no longer accepting donations after Nov 15. Thank you to EVERYONE who has donated to this event! The Christmas Bazaar will resume donation drop-off bins for next year’s event in May 2025.

Volunteers needed for this fun event!

The Friday before the event (Dec 6, 2024), the Bazaar will organize the donations, collect donated baked home goods, and set up the event. Please use the Sign-Up Genius link below to offer to donate baked-goods or to help set-up for the event.
On the day of the event (Saturday, Dec 7), volunteers welcome guests, assist children in choosing gifts, distribute gift wraps, offer Christmas treats to parents, and ensure children are safely reunited with their families. To volunteer on Friday, Saturday, or both days, use the Sign-up Genius link below to indicate the date, time, and areas of the event you wish to volunteer. The link will be available Sept 15, 2024 until the day prior to the event.
Lastly, we kindly ask volunteers park at the Sullivan Field Parking lot to allow incoming and outgoing event participants to use the parking spots located closest to the church building. We greatly appreciate your help in this.
Questions? Email: [email protected] or phone 505-662-5107
Donated Baked Goods Welcomed.
Cookies! Brownies! Donuts! And all other homemade treats WELCOMED! Please consider donating up to 3 dozen of your favorite baked goods and drop them off at Trinity on the Hill, Dec 6, 2024 anytime between 12 – 5PM. Parents and kids on Dec 7 will be offered a treat or two baked by YOU! Any amount of donated Baked Goods is very appreciated.
If possible, please drop off baked goods in containers that can be left behind like ziplocks or disposable trays. Friday Volunteers can help transfer some baked goods to our trays, if needed. Thank you!
Questions? Email: [email protected] or phone 505-662-5107

Shopper Sign-up!

Click on the sign-up genius button below. There are slots for 30 children during each half hour period.

We kindly ask for a $20 cash or check suggested donation per child. Funds raised on the day of the event are donated to a local non-profit program.
The Children’s Christmas Bazaar KEEP GIVING BOARD is where shoppers at this year’s event can learn more about where the monetary donations collected at the event will be gifted.
Scene from the most recent House of Hope building trip to Mexico in February 2024, with Kimberly Selvage and little Emiliano, whose new home is being painted purple. Courtesy photo

All Individuals First is a 501c3 non-profit organization day program for adults with developmental disabilities. https://www.allindividualsfirst.org/
Questions? Email: [email protected] or phone 505-662-5107