For Visitors

Trinity on the Hill is a place where you will find open hearts, open minds, and open doors.

We believe that as people of God, we can all share in God's love; a love that is inclusive, ever abundant and meant to be expressed through our action in the world. We invite you to bring your own spiritual journey to Trinity on the Hill, where no part of you needs to be left at the door. Please know that from whatever tradition you come and wherever you are in your journey of faith...

We have a variety of services to suit different spiritual needs, from the traditional with or without music, Choral Evensong that shows the best of the Anglican Choral tradition, to a quiet service of Compline in the evening.

All are invited to receive the consecrated bread and wine of the Eucharist. Even if you are not receiving communion, you may choose to come to the altar rail to receive a blessing. Other people likely will be remaining in their seat during communion, so if you choose not to come forward, you won’t be alone. And after the service, please join us in the parish hall for coffee and conversation.

What We Believe
Meet the Staff

2015 Annual Report for Jan 2016