Liturgical Christians, such as Episcopalians, follow the church calendar of Holy Days and Seasons. That’s why the dates on the liturgical calendars change colors, and why we have different colors at different times of the year.
Full service recordings are available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/TrinityOTH/
Services at TOTH Ecumenical Lenten Thursdays (Soup Suppers)
These changes of seasons reflect the life of the church as it follows the life of the Messiah from anticipation of his birth to his ascension and the birth of the church at Pentecost.
In many ways, our own cycle of life follows that of the church. If we attend the Holy Days and Seasons of the Church, we provide a model for our personal growth through the trials, tribulations, glories and celebrations of our lives: from birth to life to growth and beyond.
For the upcoming season of Lent, we invite you to attend Ash Wednesday and the First Sunday of Lent. Then for Holy Week, join us on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
Wednesday, March 5 Ash Wednesday | 7:30 am: Holy Eucharist, Chapel 12:30 pm: Holy Eucharist, Chapel 7 pm: Choral Eucharist, Sanctuary Live Stream on the Internet |
Sunday, April 13 Palm Sunday | 8 am: Holy Eucharist, Liturgy of the Palms, and Passion according to St. Luke 10:30 am: Choral Eucharist, Liturgy of the Psalms, Procession, and Passion according to St. Luke Live Stream on the Internet |
Thursday, April 17 Maundy Thursday | 7 pm: Choral Eucharist, Foot Washing, Stripping of the Altar, and Procession to the Altar of Repose, Sanctuary Live Stream on the Internet 8:30 pm – 6:30 am: Maundy Thursday Vigil, Chapel |
Friday, April 18 Good Friday | 12 – 3 pm: Stations of the Cross with Communion, Sanctuary 7 pm: Good Friday Choral Holy Communion and Passion according to St. John, Sanctuary Live Stream on the Internet |
Saturday, April 19 Holy Saturday | 8:00 pm: The Great Vigil of Easter, Sanctuary (incense will be used) Live Stream on the Internet |
Sunday, April 20 Easter Sunday | 8 am: Holy Eucharist (no incense) 10:30 am: Choral Eucharist (incense will be used, brass accompaniment) Live Stream on the Internet |
Ecumenical Lenten Sundays at the First United Methodist Church
Theme: Do Justice, Love, Mercy, Walk Humbly with your God
Schedule: Sundays 4-6 pm