
Nursery available Sunday from 8 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

At our Sunday services, we are delighted to offer a dedicated nursery service for children ages 4 and under, ensuring that even our youngest attendees feel included in our community.  Under the compassionate guidance of Wendy Strain, our Nursery Coordinator, the nursery space has been thoughtfully designed to be a fun and welcoming environment.  

From colorful toys and interactive games to soothing story time, the nursery is filled with age-appropriate resources that cater to the developmental needs of our youngest visitors.  Wendy and her support team of trained assistants and dedicated volunteers are committed to providing quality care and cleanliness, fostering emotional and social growth in a loving setting, while keeping the play space clean, organized, and ready for play each Sunday. Parents can take comfort in knowing that while they immerse themselves in worship, their children are enjoying a positive and enriching experience that promotes lasting friendships and a sense of belonging right from an early age.  We invite all families to take advantage of this wonderful service.