Services and Worship

A group of people sitting in front of a crowd.

At Trinity on the Hill, we love to wor­ship God and we invite you to join us either on Sun­day morn­ing or at one of our mid-week ser­vices. The “Wor­ship Here†menu above has more detailed infor­ma­tion on each ser­vice we offer.

As we wor­ship, “we unite our­selves with oth­ers to acknowl­edge the holi­ness of God, to hear God’s Word, to offer prayer, and to cel­e­brate the Sacraments.â€

In the Eucharist, which is also called Communion, Mass, or the Lord’s Supper, we believe “the ben­e­fits we receive are the for­give­ness of our sins, the strength­en­ing of our union with Christ and one another, and the fore­taste of the heav­enly ban­quet which is our nour­ish­ment in eter­nal life.â€

Through wor­ship­ping God and meet­ing Christ in the Eucharist, we are given the strength to “to rep­re­sent Christ and his Church; to bear wit­ness to him wher­ever we may be; and, accord­ing to the gifts given us, to carry on Christ’s work of rec­on­cil­i­a­tion in the world.â€

Whether you are a sea­soned Chris­t­ian, or a seeker look­ing to expe­ri­ence God for the first time, you are wel­come to wor­ship with us and feast at the table of the Lord.

*Quo­ta­tions are taken from the ‘Out­line of the Faith’ found in the Book of Com­mon Prayer of the Epis­co­pal Church.